Tuesday 18 November 2008

Week 2 - 27th October 08 (Backdate)

27th Oct

This next week was fairly productive I set about hunting down a potential thing to personify for my character design project
These are some of the words I hunted down as potential areas to attack:

Neglect - To pay no attention or little attention to; disregard or slight: The public neglected his genius for years.

Torment - A state of great bodily or mental suffering; agony; misery.

Fantasy – Imagination, especially when extravagant and unrestrained.

Defiance – A daring or bold resistance to an opposing force/open disregard, contempt.

Realisation – The making or being made real or something imagined, planning etc/understanding something clearly and distinct

A few kind of nice ones there but they weren’t fun enough so I started hunting weird words
www.worldwodewords.org/wierdwords to be exact

Skulduggery –An instance of dishonest or deceitful behaviour or trickery.

Nympholepsy –A wild frenzy caused by desire for an unattainable ideal.

Janus-faced – Having two contrasting aspects/two-faced; deceitful

Cockamamie –Something ridiculous, incredible or implausible

From here I decided to clamp down on Nympholepsy as it sounded about the most fun to me. I then and began researching into it a bit and here’s a few key things I jotted down:

www.tcsound.de –German film called Nympholepsy, I’m not actually sure whether it’s been made or just a mock trailer as I can’t understand German! :P

Nymphomaniac – Abnormally excessive and uncontrollable sexual desire in women

Nymph – From the Greek/Roman mythology
Minor deities represented by beautiful maidens inhabiting and sometimes personifying features of nature such as trees water or mountains.

– May need more than one persons attention
- May be symptom of mood disorder
- Usually end up cheating on a partner

A little link to Nympholepsy on worldwidewords.org that originally started me off
It says about nympholepsy in George Moore’s ‘Momoirs of my dead life’ as a lust and want for nymphs and when you’ve seen one you can no longer love a mortal woman. It also goes onto talk about the Lolita complex or lolicon which is about lust for young girls so borderline paedophilia... :s I didn’t read that far into it when I made my decision on the word before. Anyway I researched that a touch and found a story of a man’s attraction to a young girl that plays him ‘Lolita’ by Vladimire Nabokov.
I also found it its legal in Japan or where like that... Bit scary really... :s

Here’s a few pictures of Nympholepsy I found

By Paul Robertson

By AlanWright

Also hunted into Nymphs as well as I felt they play a key part in it
Eric Wadley – MySecretGarden

Noordeloos – Fairytale

Fredrik Rahmqvist – Water Nymph

Dsiquei – The Nymphs And Narcissus

John William Waterhouse – Hylas And The Nymphs

Next I began to think about using a hybrid of animals and humans to try personify this so I looked into animal meanings and symbolism in different cultures

*Can’t accredit all the pictures as lots of them I found without artist names etc but I’ll do my beast*

Boar – The warrior spirit, leadership, direction, lust, gluttony, fertility, prophecy, magic, protection, hospitality.
From Princess Mononoke – Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli

Bull – Wealth, Potency, beneficence, generative force, male procreative strength, kingship, taming of the masculine and animal nature, destructive force.
Wallstreet Bull

Crane – Solitude, Independence, messenger communication, higher state of consciousness, wisdom, knowledge.

Dragon – Power of earth, combining bird and serpent as a matter and spirit, breath of life, supernatural power, magic, strength, wisdom, knowledge, guardian.
Komoto Dragon
Ljubljana Dragon

Goat – Vitality, Fertility, Creativity, virility, abundance, lust.

Hare – Rebirth, rejuvenation, resurrection, intuition, balance, fertility, fire, madness, transformation.

Moose – Headstrong, Unstoppable, longevity, value, integrity.

Otter –Laughter, curiosity, mischievous, famine power, grace, empathy, joy, play, helpfulness

Wren – Spirit, witchcraft, the oak king

Also had a little look at mythical creatures to see what i could turn up








Found these two prety wikid ones as well

This one from 'God of war' I do believe

And this one is Ifrit of the 'Final fantasy' games i think this is quite an early version as hes been revised basically every game

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