Monday, 8 March 2010

A little more progress

I went in and had a tutorial with my tutor earlier and talked about my progress with the project etc. My tutor suggested getting a little more free and relaxed with the concept art and just knock it out to inform the modelling like it would do in the industry, with regards to Time Square this made my task much quicker and easier as trying to make the building all square and neat with all the windows aligned perfectly would have been so time consuming so I went and attacked that and here's the result:

Resized JPEG graphic

Resized JPEG graphic

Resized JPEG graphic

Resized JPEG graphic

Resized JPEG graphic

Resized JPEG graphic

Resized JPEG graphic

Resized JPEG graphic

Resized JPEG graphic

Resized JPEG graphic

This needs a little revisiting slightly as it’s a bit empty at the moment so I was considering adding street lights and various other bits and bobs to make it more of a lived in city etc

Just to save posting all the pictures again in another post I thought I'd drop my progress back on this one
So here's after a few tweeks:

Resized JPEG graphic

Resized JPEG graphic

Resized JPEG graphic


My tutor also advised me to take my cretaceous jungle and use what I had done as a part of a larger picture to portray yet more scale by dropping the current picture into a corner and expanding upon it so I’ve began to do so:

Resized JPEG graphic

Resized JPEG graphic

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Resized JPEG graphic

The left hand corner is a little empty at the moment and I’m going to alter it to make the shot more 2 point perspective to give the tree tops a bit of a vanishing point as the scene picture seems far too flat.

But I’m knackered, so I’m going to throw on a tutorial DVD and chill out for a little before bed :)


tutorphil said...

Hey James,

You've really worked some stuff through - and your jungle scene is already packing more of a punch; and the city view is gaining in atmosphere too...

this is the url for Phill Hosking's blog

go say 'hi' - I'm going to ask him to take a peek at your blog too...

JAG said...

Hey Phil,
Thanks for putting Phil H in touch with me and sending me the link much appriciated
I'll upload a little of what I've done in a bit as well :)

JAG said...

I've just edited half way throught the post and dropped a few more developments of Time Square in :)
Hence the *EDIT* :P