Monday, 14 June 2010

Oh dear...

Went in for a bit of a briefing on new designers, then went for a nice leisurely skate over Jacksons field skate park with Jonny, with the intension of coming back to do a bit more work after an hour or so of rolling.
Top souled half way down the down rail on the flatbank in the corner, tried it again.
Locked in the topsoul then my soul foot slipped out my legs spilt the rail I put my hands down as I fell and I popped my right arm out of its socked...

Thankfully I was fully kitted in wrist guards, shin pads and knee pads so everywhere else on me is fine, but my arm was like indented like in towards my ribs about an inch...

Got 2 go for a ride in an ambulance to and they gave me these drugs that made me feel well heady and sound like a some kind of giant on drugs it made my voice go like the opposite to what helium does so it was well deep n crazy.
Got an x-ray and nothing was broken but my arm felt like hell at that point then they dosed me up on morphine knocked me out and I woke up with my arm back where it should be!

My brother is studying to be an osteopath and he says: 'The head of the humerous is most likely to dislocate in the anterior direction due to the foramen of weitbrech which is a gap between the middle and anterior bands of the glenohumeral ligament. Therefore the rotator cuff muscles which should be strengthened to insure stability.'
In other words I broke myself....
Hence not coming back to uni earlier...
But hopefully I should be all sorted and better soon I'll still be coming in on Wednesday to as my bro's going to drop me in, but he's picking up a new car tomorrow so as long as he manages to pick up his car I can get in!

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