I must say I felt really impresses someone other than everyone on my CG course has picked up on my work :)
So thanks to I. N. Vain for the mention!
On with the eye candy!
So yeah I’ve just busted the 1 picture out so far, but after doing the last project where I started all 3 digital paintings at the same time and did progressively more on each one all at the same time I thought it would be better to attack a picture at a time this time round as I’ve got a bit of a workflow laid out in my head for how to do them now.
Although I’ve changed my workflow a little since the last project as I decided that laying out the basic colours then overlaying textures straight over that and painting to the texture is far more interesting as you can paint to the texture as oppose a texture just being slapped straight on top of a picture to try and make it better.
Here’s a couple of little pictures which ended up as throw-aways which I began with:
A quick sketch just playing with digital painting to try and get me back into the swing of digital painting
Then this was directly draw from the thumbnail sketch I drew however my tutor quickly pointed out the it was lacking the ‘rule of thirds’, hence the first few pictures above having the grid on them. When drawing I tend to naturally align things with the rule of thirds and I don’t particularly think about it when I’m drawing due to it being fairly instinctive already.
And this is the amended line drawing from the top of the page for comparison
This is how far I got with the picture before my tutor pointed out my mistake
Hey James,
Exciting to see the images filtering through now! One comment I would make (though the composition works much better now with the path snaking off through the centre) is that there's a 'cinema logic' missing at the moment: i.e., that film life is always played a little larger - in order for it to feel suitably real and punchy. There's something slightly underwhelming about your jungle scene - and partly I think it's about scale - it seems more at a 'woodland' scale - rather than MASSIVE PREHISTORIC JUNGLE!!! You need a bit of 'Peter Jackson/Skull Island' in the mix - to give it that big cinematic impact...
Hi james,
Don't forget its a "Floating Path" which is designed to touch nothing. So no plant life would be in contact with it. Constatntly re-read the text and stay focused...don't go 'off brief'.
Thanks for your comments Guys
@ Phil -
I think your right about scale Phil, I checked the YouTube link to the King Kong concepts and they seem to have a hell of a lot more punch to them like you said. Also looking at the little jungle painting I've done it seems like it needs to be from a lower angle to give the jungle more of a kind of 'oh that’s huge' type impact.
I think I'm going to get on with the next painting and come back to this one once I've got the rest on the go so I don't get bogged down with just one concept and start lagging behind. So I’ll revisit it at a later point and see if I can tweak it to give it a little more scale if not just redo it with more size in mind.
@ Alan -
Good point, I had incorporated it far too much in the scene as oppose to it looking like it shouldn’t be there. I've just added a little more to it and I've post that up on this post under the other pictures. I tried to make it a little more alien to the jungle so it stands out more with the light like some kind of energy keeping it floating then using the light to make it seem further away from the foliage etc. See if you think it work.
I'm just sorting out a line drawing for the time machine/laboitory scene from one of my thumbnails so I'll post up the line drawing as soon as its done. Then I'll start on laying out a line drawing for the final scene, so if you could give me some feedback when my next post goes up that would be wikid! :)
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