As with projects in the past such as soundscape we were given a picture from which to transcribe an idea from. The picture which I ended up with was one by Alberto Savinio called Navire.
The picture initially stuck me with the two contrasting elements of dark and light, it depicts dark sails and in the background an ocean and a murky sky which could suggest a dark ship travelling an oceon to encounter this bright side of life. It also seemed like the dark structures seem more aggressive where as the light bright colours seemed to suggest something like children’s toys which suggested a softer more playful side to the picture.
Another little idea of this piece I’ve had is that the dark structures seem to be surrounding or coming out from the brighter objects.
My first impression of this is that it’s going to be slightly odd to combine the type types of forms into a game as they are so contrasting but I think I’ll probably go along the lines of some kind of RPG in which some evil entity comes to a bright bubbly landscape and tries to defile it and turn it into some kind of dark wasteland. Perhaps have a simple shaped bubbly character as the character to drive the game striving to fight back the dark forces. I’m also thinking that it would probably work for the game to be aimed at a younger audience as the bright simple pastel colours seem more appealing to a younger audience. Also then the dark colours would link in more symbolically as something bad.
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